Blog Promotion

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Crap#1...My first blog...!

I was talking to one of my friends when this topic came up in the discussion. There are two types of people: those who take the winning side and those who choose to be with the losers. Of course, for that matter, there will be two/more kinds of people in any aspect of life.

It has been my practice to consider my college as the dictionary for everything that puzzles me. That's because, you could find out any kind of character, good or bad, soft or rash, cutie-pie or bitch, for that matter any damn character can be found in a college, or at least my college. After all, college is considered to be a miniscule representation of society, at least the bad part of it as far as I know.

So, I started thinking about my college days and started classifying the people out there to fit them into these two genres. I found people belonging to the first side and the second side. But, interestingly, I figured out that there is a third kind that many people out there belonged to. These people never take any side. I always used to think that these people might be afraid of taking the losing side for the fear of losing and inferior to join the winning side because of the out-of-place feeling.

These people’s natural behavior contributes to their personality, lifestyle and social activities and thus their social status in a lot of ways.

Whenever there is a conflict between the first two types, this type will just watch the show. This is the reason this type cannot gather the support of neither of the groups. And these people are constantly subject to lot of mental, sometimes physical tortures, as they do not have anyone’s support. In some cases, people used to use these guys to start a major fight between their groups.

But that’s just the one side of the story, which is the all about these people’s external behavior.
The other half of the story is that, these people are so cool and composed as hey do not have to subject themselves to the pressure of winning or losing. Other than this strong plus point, they also have some other positives. These guys know a lot of dynamics about the other two diversified groups who are constantly in conflict in ideas.
Furthermore, the advantage with this genre is that they do not have the fear of survival. The people on the winning side change their side when their side loses and vice-versa, but these people do not change their side at all.
I feel that this part of their behavior contributes to their 'trustworthy' image. If I remember correctly, people from the other two sides used to share their trade secrets with these guys.
So, why don't people stay in this group of silently watching people and minding their own business? The answer is simple, survival.
Yes, the people in this group won't have any add-on benefits such as moral or financial support in case of any crisis. The people who can help these guys are the ones in the same group, who are very less in number. So, for these people to cling themselves to this group, they got to have a lot of guts. Only those people, who are mentally strong and self-confident, can be in this group.

Many people have embarrassed such people right in front of me in my college and also at my work. Instead of giving them an oral support, I was part of the group that insulted them for their neutrality, their equanimity and their composed attitude. I never realized how strong these people really are.
But why the hell am I writing about these people? Technically, now at 3AM in the morning?
Well, I really don't know...!
Just wanted to start off writing blogs on some crap (lol) and I picked up this subject, which always interested me,


Krish said...

panileni software engineer..neelo intha thinking vunda..

Tweety said...

how true dude...
and wat best palce to start off with ur blogs than our college....lovely and mysterious JNTUCEA

honey said...

ur thoughts are really mindblowing!!!!!!!!!

honey said...

ur thoughts are really mindblowing!!!!!!

honey said...

ur thougts r really mindblowing!!!!!!!

honey said...

ur thoughts r really mindblowing!!!!!!

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