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Tuesday, April 22, 2008


I keep looking at lot of people's profiles (mostly girls) in orkut and I come across their strange claims in the 'about me' section of their profiles. I generally do not concentrate on this section, because I know most of them project 'what they wanna be' whereas it should have been 'what I am'. Another
reason is that their 'Albums' section is quite interesting than their 'about me' section!
But, out of the few 'about me's on orkut that I have read, a lot of people have mentioned that they were either extroverts or introverts.

Believe me, nobody on this earth can be a pure extrovert or a pure introvert.
Introverts are defined as the persons whose psychic enrgies are focussed inward. They are generally difident and they are mostly interested in being alone. Not having a company does not bother them. They can be happy in their solitude and can be boring to others.
Extroverts are the persons whose psychic enrgies are focussed outward. They are assertive, outgoing and very sociable. These people fill all the parties with a lot of enthusiasm and joy. These people really feel bored to the hell when they do not have a company or have the above kind as their company.

But what is new in these definitions? Ah, well, I don't say that these ones are wrong. What I want to convey is that you really can not attach only one of these to a person and conclude that he/she is an introvert or extrovert.
Everyone is a combination of the both of these qualities.
When you attach only one of these to a person, then you must be taking a decision on the basis of proportion.
Have you ever, wanted to have a big party and called up your friends, started partying and suddenly after a couple of drinks, became silent?
Have you ever, wanted to stay calm in an official party and met some people who share some common interests and suddenly started being an outgoing person, at least for that moment?

Thats because human nature is complicated by the unlmited number of dualities that exist in one's personality . You can find feminine behaviour in a man or masculine behaviour in a girl or child's nature in a grown-up person. Though you find them in rare instances, you still find them.
Similarly, a person also has both extrovert and introvert components in his social behaviour.Human beings have the capability to pick whichever is apt for the situation as instructed by your mind. For example, lot of people who were introverts while in India, become outgoing after coming to US. Thats because they were in a situation which demanded them to be an extrovert. So, when the mind says 'Go freak around', an introvert person will go around and party. When it says 'Lock youself up and stay inside', an extrovert person will just turn his thoughts and actions in inward direction.

So, we may say that a person's social behaviour is largely impacted by the state of mind, which again is based on the situation, be it internal or external.

Hence, if a person were given only those situations where he had to be an introvert, he/she starts believing that he is an introvert. But when one faces situations which demands him/her to be an extrovert, he/she becomes one and if these situations are continuous, he/she feels sociable. It is also
true that he/she might not be able to stay too long in that state. He/she might bounce back to the old nature. But, when the situation demands him/her to change himself the other way around, he/she will jump to the other side of the twilight. Sometimes, it could be inconvenient for a person to change his/her nature from one side of the spectrum to the other side, but thats how it is.

I believe that a person can never be an extrovert or introvert for the entire life. .
I am known as the most moody person amongst my friends. Yet, some of my pals feel that I am joyous. Thats because my behavior,as governed by my mind, has been projected to different people in different ways, giving them different opinions on my nature.
So, all the (normal!) people on this planet are neither pure extroverts or pure introverts as
extroverts can be introverts sometimes and vice-versa
All the
people are ambiverts.


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