Blog Promotion

Friday, April 11, 2008

Crap#3..Problems are good..!

I was standing at the Begumpet Airport where I was starting off my journey for the US of A.Many people who came to see me off, told me that I was taking a huge risk and was inviting a lot of problems as I was unsettling myself and trying to settle in a new place and unlearning what I knew till then and was learning new skills. Some people really thought I was crazy.This has not been the first time people told me anything like this. When they used to say that, I sometimes used to get convinced that they were right. I just used to question myself 'why the hell am I leaving for the US, when I have everything going so well here?'.

Long ago, one of my closest friends lent me a book called 'The road Less Travelled',which tells you that the only way to be fullflled in life by solving the problems in one's life. A summary of what was explained by Scott Peck in this legendary book is as follows:
When people encounter problems, they have two choices.

The first one, followed by many people, is to skip the situation that could create a problem, even though that could offer them a lot of rewards, when solved. This is the easiest choice that can be made.

The second choice, the toughest one, is to go and actually solve the problem.

You may, for that matter you will, face a lot of obstacles and there could(or should I use would?) be many road blocks. But, the fact many people do not realize is that, only by clearing these hindrances, one can become a fullfilled individual.
This well-known and well-ignored fact is explained wonderfully by a quote which goes something like:'Boats are not made to stay in the docks'.

Before I decided to leave everything which was already in place,
I did a retrospection of my life since my childhood, I never had any major problems or worries. My friends in school and college used to have so many problems in their lives. I used feel that I was the gifted person for not having many problems. If at all, there were any, I just used to ignore them and pretend like there was no problem at all. But the fact was that, I was never outside of my comfort zone. I have never tested my abilities in an unknown area.

Now, when I look back and think of my friends who had faced problems, I realize how mature they have become in the course of facing the challenges that life had thrown at them. And how spiritually grown-up they have become by choosing the path of solving the problems.
'Oh Boy..You gotta face problems to grow up??' I said to myself.

So I slowly convinced myself that people who are willing to grow up, should seek problems, not avoid them.

Now, I am here in the US of A, which is called as 'The Land of Opportunities' by many people. But now,as the market is in its downtrend, it appears like 'The Land of Problems'.

But I am not worried, becuase I realized that 'Problems are Good'!


Tweety said...

pichekinchesthunav abbayi
nice thinking
the flow of the blog is too gud
ill wait for ur blogs dude...

Unknown said...

super gaa undhi mama
kummeyi ilageeeeeeeee

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